Kings Cross

by Cyanfox Development


not available

Welcome to King's Cross! You are the king, fighting against your enemies, using three pieces of your choice.FIGHT STRATEGICALLYSelect three out of 12 unique pieces, which each have different abilities. Find synergies, powerful combinations and unbeatable defenses. Exceed the limits of what's possible!
FIGHT EVERYWHERE, EVERYTIMEYou can play online in real time, the offline campaign or just versus an AI. No internet connection required!
FIGHT WITH INDIVIDUALITYDesign your king's profile how you like using icons and titles, that can be unlocked throughout the game - show your enemies who's best!
Find out how far you can get, download King's Cross today!
If you need help, want to submit feedback or suggestions, or report bugs and errors, feel free to contact [email protected]